Citizens, News, News General, Water|


MONCKS CORNER, S.C. – (Wednesday, June 2, 2021) – Berkeley County Water & Sanitation is constructing a new sewer pump station on Old Highway 52 near Spring Grove Plantation in Moncks Corner. All work is being done in the right-of-way or acquired easements and motorists are advised to drive with caution in the area throughout the duration of the project, which is expected to take approximately 15 months to complete.

The project includes new gravity sewer mains and a new sewer force main that will be installed in the following locations: underground along the frontage of Spring Grove Plantation, on Cypress Gardens Road between Old Highway 52 and the north side of Highway 52, and on the right-hand side of Highway 52 toward Moncks Corner, between Cypress Gardens Road and Foxbank Plantation.

Construction will include tree clearing along the route, trenching, directional drills, and jack and bore work under the roads and railroad tracks. Traffic control may be in place at times throughout the project.


-Prepared by the Berkeley County Public Information Office-