Berkeley County GIS (BCGIS) maintains several custom web applications to support both internal County and public access to our various core geographic data layers. These sites include an interactive map application focused on both general and specific public requirements. The internet database is updated weekly from the GIS Enterprise database. BCGIS staff responds to emails sent via the EMAIL GIS WEBMASTER link daily and answers questions regarding use of the interactive mapping application and digital data.
BCGIS uses Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcGIS JavaScript mapping APIs to produce intuitive and informative web applications which display County maintained spatial information. These applications provide a quick and intuitive interface to search an address or click on a map location. Users can also toggle layers on and off to get an overview of various boundaries.
BCGIS currently maintains ten pan, click, zoom, and identify applications with varying layers, query and measure functions, and map printing capabilities. Eight of the applications are publicly accessible and two are for internal use by Berkeley County staff. The mobile and desktop applications each have 20 layers. The advanced public viewer contains 76 layers. The Internal applications hosts 144 layers. Maintenance is regularly performed on the data services and web mapping applications and are available at these links.
Building Berkeley was built to highlight countywide 1% Sales Tax roadway projects and Stormwater infrastructure improvements. Respective departments maintain improvement projects within EnerGov which Berkeley County IT publishes a view of the relevant data which is harvested nightly by the GIS department. BCGIS combines these fields with spatial representation of the data, publishes it out as a data service and is consumed by a custom web application. Within the web application, data is grouped by three categories: Active, Complete and Future Projects. Users can filter these results by project type; bridges, dirt to pavement, interchanges, intersections, resurfacing, stormwater, water and sewer, and widening. Users can pan, zoom and identify projects displayed in the map; this will bring up a results window with predefined attributes. The Building Berkeley web mapping application is available at this link.
BCGIS also maintains a series of applications which users can identify their Voting District, School District, Magistrate and Small Claims Court districts, and Mosquito Abatement Zones. They also use a single data service which contains all the boundary data required for the applications. These applications provide a quick and intuitive interface to search an address or click on a map location. Users can also toggle layers on and off to get an overview of the boundaries. These custom web mapping applications are available at these links.