MONCKS CORNER, S.C. – (Thursday, May 14, 2020) – Field inspections for stormwater data collection will be conducted at properties across the County as part of routine inventory. The work will start May 18 and end August 31, 2020 (weather dependent).
The County is working with AECOM, whose data collection team was chosen to perform stormwater system data collection. Field personnel will be traveling to properties around the County to gather data about the stormwater system both on and adjacent to citizens’ properties. They will be taking measurements and collecting data utilizing GPS or survey equipment and cameras. Field personnel will be identified by name badges, safety vests and/or other items of identification and will be able to provide additional site-specific information if necessary.
As required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), inventory of the stormwater management system is conducted to meet the stormwater permit requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The data collected will include features related to the storm drainage system, including manholes, inlets, pipes, culverts, ponds, channels, and outfalls to creeks and streams throughout the County.
Berkeley County citizens are asked to please allow AECOM’s field personnel to access stormwater system components on their properties for data collection. Berkeley County and AECOM appreciate citizens’ cooperation and understanding. If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the Berkeley County Stormwater Department at (843) 719-4195 or vog.csytnuocyelekreb. @pmwsbew
– Prepared by the Berkeley County Public Information Office –