Registration of Mobile Homes
Pursuant to the South Carolina Codes of Law, Section 31-17-320, any mobile home coming into the State, or relocation of a mobile home from one county to another within this State, or the purchase of a mobile home in this State, the owner, rental agent or person in possession of the mobile home has 15 days to obtain a license (decal) for the home.
Sec. 35-12. Age of manufactured homes allowed in unincorporated Berkeley County. Mobile homes manufactured before June 15, 1976 will not be permitted to move into or within the unincorporated areas of Berkeley County. If no manufacturing date can be established, it is presumed that the unit was manufactured on January 1 of the model year for that home. Manufactured homes currently located within the unincorporated areas of Berkeley County which were manufactured after June 15, 1976, in accordance with HUD Construction and Safety Standards Act may be maintained in the county and are subject to the normal rules and regulations relating to buying, selling, and relocating manufactured homes, such as applying for and obtaining all necessary permits. Mobile homes built on or before June 15, 1976, are properly registered, and located within the unincorporated areas of Berkeley County as of the date of the adoption of this ordinance, can continue to be occupied and used in the unincorporated areas of Berkeley County, in the location where they are presently, but will not be issued permits to be moved or relocated unless moving out of Berkeley County. Mobile home must be Wind Zone II.
Below is a list of documents required for Mobile Home Contractor, Installer, or Dealership to register homes in Berkeley County:
- Copy of title on all used homes, paid tax receipt, advance paid tax receipt, and moving permit.
- A signed application for certificate of title on all new homes (Form 400), contract, and moving permit where applicable.
- $5.00 decal fee, $25.00 administrative fee, $45.00 setup fee
- Fire fee on set-up of home new to the county, or off dealer’s lot is determined by square feet. A final elevation certificate must be turned into our department prior to a final inspection and power being released for the home.
- $25.00 fee for moving permits for homes moving out of the County along with current, and advance taxes.
- $30.00 fee for Decal Transfer.
- DHEC permit to construct, or operate if you need to install a new septic system. Letter from licensed septic installer which includes license number, signature on letterhead, and drainfield drawings for existing septic tanks. Sewer availability letter required for homes connected to sewer.
- Name of Manufactured Home Park, Lot Number, Mailing address, and the physical address where home is sitting and where home will be moving.
- Who is moving and setting up the home (must be licensed through MFHB)
- Copy of Purchase Agreement or Contract of Sale
- Site/Plot plan showing location of new home from property lines, and from all other structures on property.
- If the manufactured home changes ownership and is moving within the county, the current year taxes must be paid and any back taxes before a permit will be issued. If moving out of the county, the current year taxes must be paid before a moving permit will be issued.
- If moving into Berkeley County from another county, along with a copy of the title, we must have a copy of the moving permit from the previous county, and paid taxes (past, present, and future).
- When requesting a complimentary moving permit coming off a dealer’s lot, a moving permit and copy of the paid tax receipt from the previous county must also accompany the abovementioned paperwork.
- ALL REPOS: We must have a copy of the title; an affidavit of repossession and the past, present and future taxes must be paid if the home is moving to the dealers. Lot. There is also a $25.00 fee for the moving permit(s). If the repo is also being sold at the same time to a new owner, we must also have a copy of the form 400 (front and back, signed) and a bill of sale in addition to the above paperwork.
- If you have a trade-in on your new home, please be aware there is a $25.00 fee for your moving permit(s). All transactions must be done at the same time. Example: A new home will be required to have their Comp moving permit, decal and set-up permit. At the same time, the trade-in must have the moving permit and all current year taxes, any back taxes, and future taxes must be paid before we will release the permits for the new home. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE!!