What party am I registered with?
State of South Carolina does not register by party. Party is only declared in Primary elections.
If I do not vote in the Primary election, can I vote in the November election?
Yes. You do not have to vote in a Primary to be eligible to vote in November.
Can I take my wife/husband their ballot?
No. Ballots are voted in the absentee poll or sent by mail. Exceptions made only in emergency cases.
Can I request an absentee ballot for my neighbor?
No. Only the individual, a member of the immediate family, or a designated authorized representative may request an absentee application.
I have moved. Can I still vote?
If you still live within the county, yes. Depending on the location of the move, the voter may have to vote a fail-safe ballot. It is very important to notify the office of any address or name changes.
I have lost my voter registration card, can I still vote?
Yes, a voter does not have to have their voter registration card to vote, but all voters must have an approved photo ID to vote. The address on these cards must correspond with address on record in the voter registration office.
If I register to vote, will I also be called for jury duty?
Potential jurors are randomly selected from voter registration lists, driver’s license and DMV identification lists. Your chances of being chosen for jury duty are just as great if you have a current state driver’s license.
What do I need to become a registered voter?
Proof of residency in Berkeley County. Example: driver’s license, tax receipt, utilities bill, etc.
When can campaign signs be put up on public property before an election?
Berkeley County does not have an ordinance on how long before an election, candidates may place their signs. Some municipalities have sign ordinances.
However, SC State law states that candidate signs can not be placed closer than 500 to the entrance of any polling location. Does not apply to private property which may be closer, does apply to right of ways.