Department Functions
Plan Review
Site plans are submitted to the Planning Department and distributed for review. The Engineering Department performs site plan review to ensure that roadway, drainage, and stormwater pollution prevention plans meet applicable County requirements. The Department also reviews plats and construction plans for roads and drainage facilities proposed for subdivisions in the unincorporated areas of Berkeley County, as well as the construction plans for those municipal subdivisions in which the County is being asked to accept the roads and drainage systems for maintenance.
Developers and their engineers are encouraged to review their project with the Department staff in the planning stage to clarify details of their project and the County’s regulations.
Project Management
Engineering Department staff manage the design and construction of road improvements funded by the County’s Transportation Sales Tax Program. This includes developing the scope of work for projects, selecting and managing consulting engineers, coordinating with SCDOT and other agencies, and managing the construction of projects.
Construction Inspection
Engineering Department staff inspect construction of roads and drainage facilities which are proposed to be maintained by Berkeley County upon completion. These are primarily subdivision development projects and County maintained roads that are improved under the Sales Tax Program or the C-Fund Program.
Stormwater Management Program
The technical and regulatory portions of the County’s Stormwater Management Program, described elsewhere, operate within the Engineering Department. Engineers and technicians of the Department perform plan review, permitting, and inspections associated with land disturbing activities, as well as carry out other key components of the Program.