APPLICANT: This is the person who is requesting the address or septic approval. Fill in name, full address, and phone number.
PARCEL’S CURRENT USE: The current activity occurring on the property. If someone is currently living on the parcel the use is Residential. If there is a business on the property, the use is Commercial. If there is nothing on the property, the use is Vacant.
PROPERTY TAX MAP #: The Tax Map Number can be found on the property tax notice. The Property Tax Map Reference Number is important because it gives the Zoning Official access to pertinent information not listed on the application.
LOT SIZE: In this space provide the size (area) of the lot. You may use either acres or square feet.
NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ON PARCEL: List the number of each type of structure on the property. Please list each structure including storage buildings and garages.
2nd address will need to be verified by the Planning and Zoning Department
PO Box 6122 Moncks Corner, SC 29461
9am-5pm M-F