The mission of the Supervisor, as head of both the County’s more than 1,300 employees, and more than 200,000 residents, is to lead the County forward toward a thriving future, while simultaneously preserving the unique parts of its past.

Mission Statement


Department Functions

Berkeley County operates under a Supervisor form of government. The Supervisor is an elected position who fills a four-year term as Chairman of County Council and administrator of County operations.

Roles of the Supervisor
The Supervisor is responsible for carrying out County policies and laws approved by County Council and serves as the tiebreaker vote in a standstill issue. As the County’s chief administrator, the Supervisor oversees all administrative functions, policies and personnel matters; approves the County’s annual budget, capital and economic development projects; ensures the solidarity of County employees; is the County’s representative figurehead in the community; and works with other local and state leaders on legislative matters pertaining to the County.
