Berkeley County is updating its Stormwater Design Standards Manual (SWDSM). The updates have been made to meet the goals and minimum requirements of SCDHEC’s Construction General Permit which was revised in March 2021, as well as updated requirements of the NPDES General Permit No. SCR030000 and the South Carolina Codes and Regulations.
You are invited to review and provide comments on the updated Manual utilizing the links provided below. The public comment period will open on October 2, 2023, and end on November 2, 2023. All comments must be submitted utilizing the form below, and must reference the Section and Subsection of the Stormwater Design Standards Manual to be considered.
The draft 2023 Stormwater Design Standards Manual is available here as a PDF.
Please see the SWDSM Fact Sheet available here as a pdf for a summary of the major changes.
The current 2009 Stormwater Design Standards Manual is available here as a PDF.