Determination of Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Type and Process.  In accordance with Sec. 59-72 of the Land Development and Subdivision Regulations, either a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is required to be submitted for qualifying projects.  The results of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Traffic Impact Analyses (TIA) shall inform and contemplate the traffic mitigation measures necessary to ensure that the intended development will meet the established minimum traffic service standards for the Planning Horizon.  When required, the TIA will be prepared by a third-party consultant whom the County has previously selected for on-call traffic study services at the sole expense of the Applicant.  On a case-by-case basis, the County may accept a TIA previously prepared by an Engineer hired by the Applicant.  In which case, the County may require that the TIA be reviewed by an on-call, third-party consultant at the sole expense of the Applicant. 

To determine the applicable type of TIA, scope, and process for preparation or review, please first complete the following Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) and schedule a Joint Plan Review (JPR) meeting with Staff to discuss project objectives, scope, and process for preparation, review, and submittal.

Determination of Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Type and Process

  • Applicant Information

  • Property / Site Information

  • For any existing structures that have been unoccupied for longer than six months
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Project Information

  • Commercial, industrial, single family residential, multi-family residential, etc. For Commercial and industrial uses please include the primary use (i.e. manufacturing, distribution, fast food, shopping, etc.), number of buildings, and the expected number of employees.
  • Approx. number of housing units for single or multi-family developments.
  • Approximate overall building area of the proposed primary use.
  • Upload conceptual site plan (if available)
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 93 MB.