Address Information

An official address will be assigned by our department once we received either a “Permit to Construct” Septic Approval Letter from Department of Health & Environmental Control (DHEC) or a letter verifying sewer availability from the correct provider (BCWS, CPW or municipality) and a completed Zoning Use Approval form from Berkeley County Planning & Zoning.

Road names must be approved through our office. We will check any suggested road names to make sure it can be used and meets our criteria. You may call our office at (843) 719-4113 or fax a list of road names to (843) 719-4190 for approval. Road names remain on reserve for a three (3) year period once submitted and approved.

Once a road has been created, our office staff will go into the field and ride the road with our GPS unit. Once we return to our office, we will download the data into our computers. At that time, we will determine if additional landowners need to be contacted concerning the suggested road name. If additional landowners must be contacted, we must have 75% of the landowners agree with the suggested road name. Once the road name is accepted, our office will then complete the process of naming the street.

Our office does not regulate the naming of subdivisions. You may want to check with the Berkeley County Planning & Zoning Office to verify if they have any regulations concerning subdivision names.

New subdivisions have to be approved through the Planning & Zoning Office. Once final approval has been issued, the plats are then recorded in the Register of Deeds Office. Real Property Services Department receives the recorded plats from Register of Deeds and will begin assigning new TMS numbers. Once the new TMS numbers are assigned, the plats are forwarded to our office to be entered into the GIS system. Our staff will then begin the task of assigning new addresses. This entire process can take from 2 to 4 weeks.

Our office will be glad to assist you with address verification for Berkeley County. Information may be limited inside some municipalities because they handle their own addressing and our data will only be as accurate as the information we are provided.

We will try our best to provide you with directions for locations in Berkeley County.

Real Property Services assigns the TMS numbers for parcels after they receive the recorded plats from the Register of Deeds.

The recorded plats and deeds are maintained by the Berkeley County Register of Deeds Office.

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