To serve the citizens, residents, and visitors of Berkeley County through preparedness for natural, intentional, and technological hazards employing prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery capabilities through coordination of an integrated emergency management program.  

Mission Statement


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Our Vision

To establish Berkeley County Emergency Management Department as a progressive leader in all – hazards preparedness to ensure a more resilient community.  

Department Functions

The Emergency Management Department continually works hard to ensure the County is prepared for any and all types of potential disasters.

This department performs numerous tasks, including:

  • Coordinates the development, maintenance, and testing of a comprehensive all – hazard emergency management program for Berkeley County through the elements of preparedness.  
  • Coordinates the County Emergency Management training program and supports external partners in other training opportunities when and where able.  
  • Coordinates the County Emergency Management Exercise program and supports external partners in Exercise opportunities when and where able.
  • Operates the County Emergency Operations Center with various County staff and Emergency Support Functions to ensure coordination and support for disasters during response and Recovery Support Functions during the recovery spectrum of the disaster.  
  • Develops and maintains emergency plans including the Emergency Operations Plan, Recovery Plan, Mitigation Plan, and other relevant plans. 
  • Coordinates resource management for Berkeley County with preparedness activities, activities during a disaster, and support of mutual aid / automatic aid including execution of the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement.  
  • Continuously implements the National Incident Management System for Berkeley County Government.  
  • Coordinates volunteer efforts of Emergency Management volunteers including the Community Emergency Response, Community Organizations Active in Disasters, and the Long-Term Recovery Group.  
  • Through partnerships internally and externally, develops a mitigation program with basis in the Mitigation Plan to reduce impacts of disasters before occurrence.  
  • Serves as the liaison and contract managers for the unincorporated area Berkeley County fire departments.  
