Department Functions
Road Maintenance & Repair
The Roads & Bridges Department maintains and repairs roads which have been accepted by Berkeley County for maintenance. Unpaved roads are graded on a continuing basis with rocking, culvert repairs, roadside vegetation control, and stabilization performed as needed. This includes over 219 miles of roads divided into four (4) zones. Maintenance and repair is also performed on over 295 miles of paved roads.
Drainage Maintenance
The Department maintains most of the overall drainage system in Berkeley County, including major channels in the rural areas and piped and open ditch systems in subdivisions and municipalities.
The Department also provides Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping efforts to meet County Stormwater MS4 permit requirements.
Boat Landing Inspection & Maintenance
The Department inspects, maintains, and repairs facilities at the following boat landings:
- Bushy Park (Cooper River & Back River)
- Durham Creek
- Quenby Creek (Ralph Hamer Landing)
- Wadboo Creek (Dennis Landing)
- Spiers Landing (Lake Marion)
- Fred Day Landing (Lake Moultrie)
Special Projects
As time and resources permit, the Department undertakes special projects which upgrade and improve existing facilities. These projects may include road widening, drainage channel improvements, herbicide spraying, stream bank stabilization, or recreation projects.